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Farmers are already getting their carbon payments

Nearly £4 million has already been distributed to Soil Capital farmers over the last 2 years to reward their efforts.
How much can you earn from your carbon? Tell us more about your farm using the form below, and one of our agronomy experts will get in touch with you!
Farm walk (1)

With so much uncertainty around farm finances, farmers are looking for more control over their profitability. We can help you access carbon payments linked to how you farm.

At Soil Capital we believe that farmers need a hassle free solution to:

  • Measure and certify the carbon footprint of their farm

  • Receive guidance but stay in total control of how they farm

  • Be able to leave a programme at any time, without cost

  • Access the best price possible for their carbon payments

Above all, work with people that really understand their reality.

How does it work ?

We perform an initial GreenHouse Gas assesment based on your farming practices to establish if you emit or sequester carbon overall.

Based on this report, you receive personalised recommendations to improve.

Each year, we run a second assessment, to measure the evolution of your carbon footprint.

You get paid for reducing C02 emissions and sequestering carbon in the soil.
WhatsApp Image 2022-11-22 at 12.34.25

With no more than 3 hours of data collection, farmers earned on average £55 per hectare in 2022

We have more than 600 participating farmers in UK, France and Belgium


"That will hopefully see us make over £10,000 this year, which is a useful way of starting to get back what we’re losing from the BPS"


Berkshire farmer Andrew Randall, who joined Soil Capital at the beginning of 2022


We've made our process easy and intuitive. It only take a few hours per year to complete. You can register online by yourself 24/7 or a team member can accompany you.


No lock in. You can leave anytime you like.


You don't want to pay for the annual assessments? We have a pricing plan for you where we share the risk.


We are open to all arable farmers, conventional or organic. Some livestock is permitted. We can help whether you are starting your transition or if you have already made changes.


As an agronomy firm, our carbon payment programme is by farmers for farmers. You will be supported by agronomists from our team.

We focus on insetting, when crop buyers pay for your carbon improvements.Unlike with offsetting, you can still claim your carbon in the future if you need it!

We are the first programme certified to an international standard in Europe (ISO).

Enrolments for this year close in February 2023

Get in touch with an expert for a quick estimate of your potential earnings