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Reduce the carbon footprint of your supply chain? 

With our Carbon Insetting offer, we support Food & Ag companies in achieving their climate goals.


Webinar on Carbon Insetting for Food Companies

In this Webinar, Marguerite Delormel, Macha Bertrand & Luc Beerens share their experience on carbon insetting and value chain transition projects based on regenerative agriculture.



Corporate Partnerships Lead
at Soil Capital



Corporate Partnerships Specialist
at Soil Capital



Global Sustainable Sourcing Director
at Royal Canin

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An experienced partner to reach your goals

Soil Capital is a mission-driven company with long expertise in regenerative agriculture and low-carbon transition of agricultural systems. Operating internationally, our ambition is to accompany farmers and food companies in the transition of one million hectares to more profitable and regenerative agriculture by 2025.

We are B Corp company since 2022.

Let's transition together to regenerative agriculture!

Our turnkey solution enables companies to deploy an impactful Carbon Insetting approach while accelerating the regenerative transition within their supply chain. Practically, we help companies to:

Engage farmers and intermediary suppliers in a low carbon transition project, by delivering them the right tools, training, agronomic advice and financial incentives.

Measure and certify the carbon footprint of your raw materials (GHG emissions + carbon removals). Improve your carbon accounting with verified and reliable primary data.

Enable your company to make supply chain claims related to carbon emission reductions. Communicate and show your commitment.

Carbon as a driver for change

The carbon footprint is used as an indicator of the overall farm performance. A carbon-sequestering soil is a healthy and performing soil.

Carbon also has the advantage of being measurable and valued by the market. By putting the two together, we create a virtuous circle to accelerate change in the field!

More than 800 farmers trust us already in Belgium, France and the UK.

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Working with farmers on a carbon program is strategic !

  • Reduce the carbon emissions of your supply chain through a solid and consistent insetting strategy
  • Develop low-carbon products with high added value
  • Maintain a rigorous carbon accounting based on primary data
  • Ensure security of supply and control future costs by investing in regenerative agriculture, improving the system’s resilience and farmers’ engagement
  • Meet the expectations of investors, regulators and public opinion
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A robust certification model

Our impact so far


farmers signed up and counting

120 000

carbon certificates generated in 2023

€1 million

paid out to farmers

+170 000 ha

in Belgium, France and the UK. We are enterring Latin America

Our network of partners


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Leave us your contact details so we can help you in your regenerative transition